Monday, September 30, 2013

Progress, what?

I continue to make slow progress on my projects, but progress is progress right?  Remember the little Tiana quilt? She is all set for the binding so I thought I would give a peek at where I am with it. I am absolutely loving the binding fabric. It is the bluey square print fabric. However, I haven't decided if I will do a bias binding or if I'll do straight grain. Sorry for the dark pics but the lighting in my sewing room is not the greatest. Enjoy and happy quilting!

here is the finished quilt with the new owner. I am so happy that she loved it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is this a quilt blog or what?

Lately I seem to have lost my quilting mojo.  Even though I have numerous projects in the works, I just can't seem to find the inspiration to sit in front of my machine. I have acquired an interest in apparel sewing and taken advantage of some recent sales.  My local Joanne's and Hancock's Fabrics have had various patterns on sale and needless to say, I have picked up a ton.  Thanks to Mimi G, I really am going to make an honest effort and try to make some decent clothing! Hopefully I will begin to feel the urge to sew and have something to show you guys soon.
Happy quilting and sewing!