Monday, September 30, 2013

Progress, what?

I continue to make slow progress on my projects, but progress is progress right?  Remember the little Tiana quilt? She is all set for the binding so I thought I would give a peek at where I am with it. I am absolutely loving the binding fabric. It is the bluey square print fabric. However, I haven't decided if I will do a bias binding or if I'll do straight grain. Sorry for the dark pics but the lighting in my sewing room is not the greatest. Enjoy and happy quilting!

here is the finished quilt with the new owner. I am so happy that she loved it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Is this a quilt blog or what?

Lately I seem to have lost my quilting mojo.  Even though I have numerous projects in the works, I just can't seem to find the inspiration to sit in front of my machine. I have acquired an interest in apparel sewing and taken advantage of some recent sales.  My local Joanne's and Hancock's Fabrics have had various patterns on sale and needless to say, I have picked up a ton.  Thanks to Mimi G, I really am going to make an honest effort and try to make some decent clothing! Hopefully I will begin to feel the urge to sew and have something to show you guys soon.
Happy quilting and sewing!

Friday, August 30, 2013

A quickie post

I have been MIA for awhile, but have been trying to squeeze in some sewing into my hectic life. I have been having difficulty with the dresses I have been trying to make for my little one. That adorable pink tulle dress gave me the blues! I was so frustrated with all that tulle. After stitching it and trying to readjust the lining and get everything measured and hemmed correctly, I had to rip out all those stitches and start the skirt portion over, huge bummer. So like any normal person, I jumped to another project (I can't be the only one who does that). I started another dress that was supposed to be for my sister-in-law's anniversary party. Yeah I said suppose, because I didn't finish that either. I was in a hurry and put the lining on before the tulle skirt. Nonetheless, I'm almost finished with it now. Just gotta find some white, satin ribbon and a silver flower. Finally something will be finished yeah! 

Happy quilting and sewing!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My life, My life, my life in the sunshine!

WOW! It has been over a month since I have posted last. My how time flies. I have so many irons in the fire and I have not come up for air yet.  Not a lot of quilting or sewing going on here because of work (boo) and family stuff (yeah).  We have had 1 family member being picked in the first round of the NFL draft (I'M a Jets fan now), 3 weddings, a college graduation, and a going away party. My oldest nephew has left for the Navy.  Wow, I don't think I've ever had this much going on at one time before. HOWEVER, I have had something very exciting happen to me in these last few weeks. I finally bought a new toy, I got a new Bernina quilt frame (YEAH). I'm sooooo excited.  Now we are looking for a shed to transform into my quilt studio.
Here is a picture of my cousin who got drafted by the Jets. Looking forward to seeing him play. He is a beast on the field. So happy that all of his hard work has paid off.

Here are some pictures from a few the weddings that I attended.



Saturday, May 25, 2013

The things I've been doing!

Wow! It has been so long since my last post. I have had so many things going on but very little time for quilting. However, I have managed to almost complete the little tiana quilt I have been working on. If I must say so myself, it is sooooo adorable.  I was trying to add some pink in there somewhere, but she just kept screaming green, green, green!  It is from the movie Princess and the Frog.
I think she turned out cute anyway. The backing i'm using is a princess and the frog fabric I got from my hometown Hancocks.  It is just perfect.  It was so hard to not embellish this little quilt. I decided to add a crystal headband instead of a crown. And a princess must have her jewels right. So I also added Swarovski crystals as her jewelry. Love! I almost don't want to give this baby away. My daughter has requested a princess quilt of all the princesses. Got even more work to do on top of all my other quilty endeavors.  I don't think I would have it any other way. Happy quilting

Monday, May 6, 2013

Back from Paducah

I'm baaaaaaack.  I am amazed every year I make the trek to Paducah, Kentucky for the annual quilt show. The workmanship is just ridiculous.  These people are so talented. I don't know how they come up with some of these ideas or where they find the time.  Most of these quilts I would never make, but I am just wowed by their beauty. I thought I would share some of my favorites.

This was my absolute favorite in the entire show. I just love whimsical quilts. This quilt is by
Dominique Ehrmann who documents her 25 years as a baker and chocolate maker.  You can definitely add quiltmaker to this list. This girl is oober talented. The details were crazy. There was 3d shoes, chef hat and bake shop! Gotta love this. Have to definitely see it in person because my pics don't do it any justice. Looooooooooooove!